Saturday, July 17, 2010

Greetings from the great green north...

I'm going to try and do this blog thing again. Life is more interesting now. We have a precocious almost 2 year old, an adorable 2 1/2 month old, our life got flipped upside down earlier this year. We are still in Humboldt county even though we really don't want to be...but we are making the best of it by being involved and enjoying the sunshine, rain, trees, and our children.


Me. Mama. Wife. I enjoy motherhood, I enjoy being married to my best friend. I love the home we've created even if it's less than 900 sq feet. It's home, we manage. I enjoy cooking, photography (so much to learn), gaming (geek...), and being outdoors.

David. Daddy. Baby. He's my best friend. The one person who gets me 110% of the time. Can always make me laugh. 12 years my senior. An amazing father who loves his babies more than anything in the world. Sometimes works (more on that someday...) at a local institution, recently diagnosed with ulcerative colitis/arthritis.

Kate. Goose. Our sunshine. So much wit and she's not even 2. Tall, thin. Tiger eyes. Has a way of mimicking our cuss words that make us both crack up. Incredibly intelligent. Determined. Beautiful.

Jack. Moose. Jackaroo. So new, so full of love. Such a happy baby, a big baby. Loves to cuddle with mommy and put his feet on my legs. Big blue eyes that smile when he does. He has stolen my heart.

This is my family. I love it.